Corporate Social Responsibility

The core spirits of FORTOP are Integrity, Dependableness, Innovation, and Service. We hope that all our members create the value of specialization, business development, regulatory compliance, ethical responsibility, and social responsibility. These commitments are keys to ensuring FORTOP's sustainable future.

Social Care

FORTOP focus on social contributions, and respond to needs of society through devoting resources towards caring for the disadvantaged of local community.

  • Sponsorship: Support the charitable organization by buying cookies gift box that made by disadvantaged. We also provide fund for children for charitable activities. E.g. summer camping, emergency needs.
  • Open up the job opportunities for people with disabilities: The ratio of employment is 5 percent of the total number of the employees.
  • Summer job opportunities: Provide students with a summer job opportunity to understand the industry of Auto Parts Manufacturing Industry.
Open up the job opportunities for people with disabilities
Open up the job opportunities for people with disabilities
Summer job opportunities
Summer job opportunities

Green Environment

Climate change has always happened and affects globally. To maintain the common target: to hold the rise in global average temperature below 2˚C, FORTOP endeavor to build up green supply chains, facilitate coexistence and mutual prosperity between business and environment.

Using raw materials that comply with RoHS Directive and REACH compliance
Green Environment
Green Environment